1 |
When exiting a highway, you should...? |
2 |
Approaching a weave zone, you must be particularly cautious because...? |
3 |
If your vehicle has power brakes and the engine fails, you...? |
4 |
If your vehicle breaks down and you have to park at the side of the road, you should...? |
5 |
After entering a curve, you should...? |
6 |
When you are merging onto a highway, you should aim to enter it...? |
7 |
When driving in a clearly marked lane, you should...? |
8 |
You can forego using a shoulder check...? |
9 |
If a stranger stops to offer you assistance, you should...? |
10 |
When may you exceed the speed limit when passing another vehicle? |
11 |
On a two lane highway, when you are approaching an acceleration lane, it is best to...? |
12 |
Under what circumstances can you put your transmission in neutral and coast downhill? |
13 |
Which of these must be completed before making a lane change? |
14 |
If a person behind this passing you on a two-lane highway, you should...? |
15 |
If you have to stop in an intersection before completing a left turn, you should keep your front wheels...? |
16 |
A vehicle would usually be in your blindspot if...? |
17 |
When can you pass another vehicle on a curve? |
18 |
As you approach the end of the acceleration lane, you should...? |
19 |
Outside urban areas U-turns are not permitted...? |
20 |
As you are taking a curve, remember that your vehicle will always try to...? |
21 |
The shoulder of a primary highway is only intended for...? |
22 |
Entering the acceleration lane to merge, you should be...? |
23 |
When turning left from a two-way road onto another two-way road, you should move from...? |
24 |
If your tyres lose traction as you enter a left-hand curve, you should steer...? |
25 |
On a three lane highway, the slowest moving traffic should travel in...? |